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  Home > Vall d'Aran N.P. > Route Lakes of Colomers
Índice de Rutas
Vall d'Aran Natural Park and Saint Mauricio Lake
Descripction Route 
We will take the way in direction SW surrounding the lake. To the right, we will cross with the route GR-11, signalized with red and white marks, lowering by the Hill of Ribereta. We will continue on the way ascending to the Port of Caldes on West direction. It is a good place to contemplate the Lac Major dels Colomers that we have left back.
When we arrive to a flat area, we will find a bifurcation where we will leave the main track GR-11. We will cross a brook following the red and yellow marks on southeast direction that will make us gain altitude.
These signal marks show us the shortest route to see the circuit that visits the set of lakes.
It is possible to appreciate that the way relaxes and it becomes a stroll.
Once we have passed that lake, we will
Lake Mort (Lake Dead) 
leave it on our left side and the yellow signalings will change by vertical posts. Depending on the season in which we do the route that posts can be important, because let us to follow the way when it is snowed. In the case that we do the route at a warm time, we must take care with the sun, because the vegetation is scarce and will be difficult to find a place in the shade. At less than a kilometer of the lake Estanyh Mòrt and just at 100 m of unevenness (now we are at 2300m of altitude) we will arrive to the lake Garguilhs de Sus. In order to arrive to it we will cross a river that separates two small lakes. If we raise the glance we will be able to observe in direction Southeast the Hill of Podo (2370 ms). We will find on the track the red marks that will follow our footpath and will help us to find the way. There are places, where we will have to be watchfull on these signals that could been replaced by stone landmarks.
By the way, in the direction of the lake Lac deth Pòrt de Colomers, we will be able to see small lakes while we are ascending. We will leave to the right the route that raises to the Port de Colomers in direction SoutWest. We will arrive up after walking during a kilometer and having surpassed a strong unevenness in the way. It is worth the trouble to go here to contemplate the magnificent landscape. We have arrived at the environs of the Hill of Pòdo, we are almost in the highest
point of the route. The ascent is enough pronounced and there is no way, we will have to continue throught granitic rocks. We are on the highest altitude of the route, 2607 m. A natural way communicates with the Eastern deep valley of Colomers. We will be able to enjoy the two slopes, the East part
Colomers East 
and the West.
Colomers West 
We will enjoy the grass slope that will guide us to the next lake, the Lac de Pòdo.
Lago deth Podo 
We will continue following the course of the precipice until arriving to the small lake Solet. Our track will concur with the route GR-11 that follows the lake Lac Obago.
Lago Obago 
This lake is one of the greatest surface of the lakes that form the Circus dels Colomers.
At the photo can be appreciated the circus and emphasizes in first plane the lake Lac Obago.
Circus Colomers  
The scenery also offers a great panoramic of the Hill of the Ratera with the port at his left.
Lake Obago/Hill Ratera 
We will surround the lake until finding the lake Redon that is united with the lake Long on his Northwest part. We can make a small deviation in the route here, because on our left hand we will see a slope footpath signaled with yellow marks; it is a short circuit that comes from the lake Estanh Mòrt and that will leave us in the lake Estanh des Cabidornats, in only 15 minutes.
Continuing by our initial route, we will arrive to another bifurcation; on one hand we have a track that raises to the Coret Clòto and later descends to the Refuge of Colomers which we have visited at the beginning of the route; and on the other hand, if we take the footpath on the right way , we will arrive towards lake Clòto.
Lake Cloto de Baish 
When we arrive at the Lake of Clòto de Baish we will have to overcome a small ascent, we will find here again the route GR-11 that will lead us to the Refuge of Colomèrs. Before arriving, we will turn aside to take the footpath of the cliff of the Montanheta, until crossing the Plànholes dera Lòssa after about 15 minutes. We already know the way to return to the Plan des Banhs.
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