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  Home > Garrotxa N.P. > Fageda d'en Jorda (Jorda's Beech) and Volcanos Route
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Fageda d'en Jorda (Jorda's Beech) and Volcanos Route
Description Route 
We recommended to make a small deflection in the way, only 2,9km, to visit the Quarries of the Croscat following Itinerary 15 at only 40 minutes of distance. We will see the quarries opened in its North flank, actually recovered.
Fageda d'en Jordà 
This volcano is of strombolian type and its cone, of 160m of height, is the biggest of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the youngest, its completing eruption took place 11400 years ago.
It is a volcano covered with forests of evergreen oaks and oaks and its crater, oriented towards the west, has a characteristic form of
Fageda d'en Jordà 
The piroclástico mantle of the volcano covers a surface
Fageda d'en Jordà 
of 20km2 and its lava tap arrived until the river Fluvià at 6km of distance. On this lava mantle is where the Fageda d'en Jordà grows.
Around the volcano 3 small cones are distinguished: the Turó of Can Xel, the Turó of Pomareda and the Puig s'Agonia, where the first two emitted lava although of reduced volume.
Until 1991 the volcano was used for the extraction of volcanic material, called lapilli or greda, which produced an enormous cut (quarries)… also we need to remark that thanks on this cut it has been allowed to appreciate their internal structure giving the opportunity to its study.
We will continue with the route bordering the volcano by its North flank, between evergreen oaks, oaks and scrubs. We will arrive to the old garbage dump of the mine, at the moment it is sealed. We will follow the way descending slightly introducing us into the forest again.
A bit more forward we will find the parking of Can Serra where the route finishes.
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