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  Home > Aigüestortes N.P. > Route Peak Aüt
Índice de Rutas
Route Peak Aüt
Description Route 
This route will allow us to arrive to Peak Aüt where we will be able to contemplate the flight of the eagles. We leave the parking of Palanka, we cross
Departure from Aüt 
the river Noguera de Tor and we turn by our left hand on a footpath that is towards South. We will continue walking and will cross a meadow that will take us to the cliff of the Montanyeta. We will cross it by a small bridge and we will begin to ascend.
Until now we follow the track Boí-Caldes
de Boí route, we will leave it so we can take a footpath that ascends among forests of firs. At the end of the ascent, of one hour approximately, we will be on a meadow that we will cross. The footpath will continue among pine groves and meadows until arriving at above. Here we will find two small houses, the most modern is the present refuge of shepherds and the other, the smaller, corresponds to the old refuge.
Refuge Cabanes 
We will leave the valley of the Montanyeta
and head towards South, where a raised pending begins on the environs of the forest. We also cross a meadow, in the middle of the ruins of a cabin, until arriving upon the valley. Here we will be in the Meadows of Coma
Meadow Miñana 
Minyana, we will have to cross it on our left hand towards South ascending until arriving at the Northeastern edge of the Peak Aüt, where we will continue advancing the last meters.
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