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  Home > Aigüestortes N.P. > Route Espot-Amiges
Índice de Rutas
Route Espot Amitges
Description Route 
This route has two departure points depending on the kilometers that we want to make. We can start from the village of Espot or from the parking of the national park, at 4km of Espot. The outward and the inward can be done by the same road. We will have to cross the whole village to arrive to the beginning of the route. We will continue right for the main road until it forces us to rotate; we will turn right and we will continue walking. We will see that the Escrita river is on the left side.
Escrita River 
We will see the Bridge of Capella of Romanesque style , for where we cross the river. Soon we will see the indication towards San Mauricio's Lake, we will catch the deviation turning right, that deviation will leave us at the entrance of the parking of the Natural Park. The second point from where we will be able to begin the route to the Refuge of Amitges it is the parking of the natural park (Km. 4). If we have gone in car we will have a parking to be able to leave it, because the entrance of cars is not allowed innside the park. Beside the entrance we will find the hut of the forest
guards. They will give information about the park, as well as their norms. Once we have crossed the parking, we will see on our right hand a wooden small grate that will drive us for a road adapted for seats of wheels. This road goes into a forest of firs, red pines and black pines until finding the river that will follow it in a parallel way.
Parking Espot 
Once we cross the river, we will leave behind the even forest of pines and we will enter in a wide valley of grass with few trees.
Will not take a lot in realize that the masters of this earth are the cows, accustomed to walk and to pasture where they want.
Grassland Agudes 
Once we have left the grasslands behind we will go away from the river, ascending until we find the San Mauricio's Hermitage on the right hand. We will be able to refresh ourselve with the fresh water of the fountain that is by the side of the hermitage. In a few minutes we will find a vantage point where we could enjoy the snoey mountains,
Escrita River 
although we will go at the beginning of June.
Viewpoint San Mauricio 
Beside the lake we will find another hut of information of the park, where we could inform ourselves of the origins of the lakes, as well as of the different flora and fauna that we can find in the park.
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Scenery of St. Maurici Lake with Encantats Peaks