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  Home > N.P Aigüestortes > JM.Blanc - Monestero - St. Mauricio
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JM.Blanc - Monestero - St. Mauricio route
Description Route 
depending on the time of year that we do this route, like many other small lakes.
On this lake is Monestero Harbor, where we are headed.
After crossing a rugged area with many stones, we will go along the paths of the mountain side to reach the summit of the Mountain Pass of Monestero (you can also go along the lake, where we will find less rocks), where we can see some of the the best scenerys of the National Park.
Mountain pass of Monestero 
The descent of the hill can be quite difficult, it is a slope of earth and stones that ends on a small stone quarry.
The road continues along the ridge between Peak of Peguera and Girada Gran.
If we find the way with snow it can be dangerous to follow this path because the slope of the Peak of Peguera, and we will have go straight following the northeast direction and passing through different rocks towards the valley Monestero, this road will connect with the previous one on a more passable way.
Once we go down to reach the river, we will pass through a variety of rock steps, down near the river, the road is easier, becoming a passable trail that runs between meadows and wetlands, with small wooden bridges that will allow us to
Lake of Monestero 
cross different pools and that will lead us towards the shallow lake Monestero.
We left behing this lake and we will see the re-emerging forests of black pine and fir trees beyond. We have gone from a hight mountain walk, with abundant rocks and sparse vegetation, to a walk between forests and lakes in the lower areas. We follow the path until we reach the Refuge Ernest Mallafré (1893m), situated at the foot of the mountains named Encantats. From here the trail becomes a forest track that leads us to our final destination the Lake St. Mauricio and if we are lucky we will some animals of the National Park like fallow-deer.
Fallow-deer at N.P. St. Maurici 
From here we can take a jeep-taxi to Espot, or walk along the path of Espot - Amitges (about 4km to the parking Espot and almost 7km to the village).
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Ladnscape of Lake Monestero